How to Turn off Copilot in Windows 11

How to Turn off Copilot in Windows 11 and VScode

Microsoft recently introduced Copilot, an AI bot assistant powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT, as a new feature in Windows 11. This tool is designed to assist, similar to a personal assistant, with its icon appearing in the taskbar and dedicated buttons planned for future keyboards. While Copilot aims to be a significant addition to Windows, not everyone may want to use it. If you’re one of those individuals, you’ll be glad to know that disabling Copilot is straightforward in Windows 11. This guide will walk you through two methods to turn off Copilot:

Removing the Copilot Icon from the Taskbar:

If you simply want to remove the Copilot icon from the Windows 11 taskbar, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Settings app and click on “Personalization” in the sidebar.

Step: Scroll down and select “Taskbar” in the Personalization settings.

Step 3: Toggle off the switch next to “Show Windows Copilot” to remove only the icon from the taskbar.

Fully disabling Copilot system-wide:

To completely disable the Copilot assistant across the system, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click the Start menu, search for “gpedit,” and launch the Group Policy Editor app.

Step 2: Here, navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Copilot.

Step: Click twice on the “Turn off Windows Copilot” policy.

Step 4: Choose “Enabled,” click Apply, then click OK to fully disable Copilot.

Re-Enabling Copilot:

If you ever decide to re-enable Copilot after disabling it, you can simply repeat the last steps but choose “Not Configured” or “Disabled” instead of “Enabled.”

Why disable Copilot?

There are several reasons why you might want to disable Copilot:

Privacy Concerns: Copilot processes user data for improvement, which may raise privacy concerns for some users.

Interruption: You may find Copilot’s suggestions interrupt your workflow rather than assist it.

Preference for Other Assistants: Some users may prefer using third-party assistants like Alexa or Siri.

Resource Conservation: Copilot consumes CPU and memory resources, which could be conserved for other tasks on lower-powered machines.

Unnecessary Recommendations: Expert users who don’t need AI recommendations may find Copilot distracting.

How to Turn Off Copilot in VSCode

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) has revolutionized the way developers write code with its plethora of features and extensions. One such feature is Copilot, an AI-powered assistant that suggests code snippets based on context. While Copilot can be incredibly useful, there are instances where you may want to turn it off temporarily or permanently.

Why Turning Off Copilot May Be Necessary:

Despite its benefits, there are several reasons why you might want to disable Copilot. It could be due to privacy concerns, wanting to rely more on your coding skills, or simply finding the suggestions distracting. Whatever the reason, the process to turn off Copilot is straightforward.

Step-by-Step Guide to Turning Off Copilot in VSCode:

  1. Accessing Settings in VSCode: Open VSCode and navigate to the settings menu. You can do this by clicking on the gear icon in the bottom left corner or by pressing Ctrl +, on your keyboard.
  2.  Finding Copilot Settings: In the settings menu, search for “Copilot” in the search bar. This will filter the settings and display options related to Copilot.
  3.  Disabling Copilot: Once you’ve located the Copilot settings, you’ll find an option to toggle it on or off. Simply click on the toggle switch to turn off Copilot.

Alternatives to Copilot:

If you’ve decided to turn off Copilot, fear not! There are plenty of alternatives available to assist you in your coding journey.

  • Manual Coding: Sometimes, nothing beats good old-fashioned manual coding. Trust your instincts and rely on your coding skills to write the code yourself.
  •  Using Other Extensions: VSCode offers a wide range of extensions apart from Copilot. Explore other extensions that provide similar assistance or enhance your coding experience in different ways.

Final Thoughts:

Disabling Copilot can help optimize Windows 11 for your personal preferences and workflow. Whether you choose to remove the icon from the taskbar or disable the assistant entirely, ultimately depends on your individual needs. Windows should continue providing options for enabling or disabling built-in apps and services like Copilot based on user choice. If you need further guidance, you can refer to video tutorials for additional assistance.


Q: Can I turn Copilot back on after disabling it?

Ans: Yes, you can easily toggle Copilot back on by following the same steps outlined in the article.

 Q: Will disabling Copilot affect my coding experience in any way?

Ans: Disabling Copilot will only remove its suggestions; otherwise, your coding experience in VSCode will remain unchanged.

 Q: Are there any security risks associated with using Copilot? 

Ans: While Copilot is developed with security in mind, some users may have concerns about sharing their code with external services.

 Q: Can I customize Copilot’s behaviour or preferences?

 Ans: Yes, you can customize Copilot’s behaviour and preferences through the settings menu in VSCode.

Q:  Does disabling Copilot affect any other features in VSCode? 

Ans: No, disabling Copilot only affects its suggestion feature and does not impact any other functionalities of VSCode.